The personal blog of Kenneth F. Innes IV... like any of you actually care. How'd you get here anyway? Someone play a prank on you?
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Hope everyone had a nice holiday and got some good presents if you
celebrate a holiday that involves receiving presents. We celebrated
Christmas at my parents' house and since nobody else came over we were
able to just stay in our pajamas all day. Treese got me some Star Wars
Black Series action figures: Lando Calrissian in Skiff Guard Disguise, Bounty Hunter Droid IG-88, Sabine Wren, and a Jawa. Sabine is a relatively new character from the Star Wars Rebels
TV series that premiered in 2014 while the other three are from the
original trilogy. I had action figures of them back in the 80s. Remember
those figures? They had such articulation as their limbs moving up and
down... and maybe the head would swivel. Their little guns would either
immediately fall out of their hands or would be pointing off to the
side. Action figures sure have come a long way since then.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
We saw Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker last night and
absolutely loved it. We both went into it without having seen any
trailers, interviews, reviews, or even any of the toys. We purposely
avoided any and all potential spoilers so we could go in a fresh as
possible without any expectations. From beginning to end we thought it
was fantastic. I was surprised to find later that a lot of people liked
it less than the previous movie in the saga, The Last Jedi. I thought it was a ton of fun and am excited to check out all the new toys!
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
1920s Dinner Party
This past weekend we went to a dinner party put on by my wife's work. It was smaller than last year's James Bond themed party, or perhaps it just felt that way since it was a smaller venue. This year the theme was 1920s. Everyone was dressed up and looking good in their costumes. There were a lot of guys dressed in black shirts with white suspenders which is what Treese was originally thinking of putting me in, so she was happy we did something different. We went with a white shirt with black suspenders, bow tie, and then a hat. She wore a short black dress with a pattern of silver sequins, a long pearl necklace, silver and black earrings, and one of those headband things with the feather sticking up.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Heaters are supposed to heat, right?
It was quite cold the day we returned from Thanksgiving break so I
cut on the heater as soon as I walked through the door. An hour later we
were feeling no warmth so I checked the vents. Cold air. Our nice new
efficient heater wasn't heating. We had only used it a couple times
prior and only for a couple hours but it had worked then. I contacted Cold Snap,
the company that installed it, and one of the installers, Jon, came out
the very next morning. After checking things out he determined that he
had accidentally put a cap in the wrong place during the install which
allowed condensation to build up instead of draining, thus clogging up
the system. He spent a while up there getting it fixed. When he was done
we had hot air again.
Everything was great until the next evening when the house started getting colder. I checked the vents and felt cold air. We let them know and they said Jon could come by in the morning. It was still happening the next morning but then suddenly it started blowing warm air again. When Jon arrived and did his inspection he found a hose to be the likely culprit. He said he noticed a small slit in it at the end and from what I understood, when he would touch it then it would no longer create a vacuum. So he got a new hose put in and everything seemed to be working... except that he was seeing an airflow error light show up every once in a while during the tests. We eventually found that to be caused by three of our vents being closed. Once we opened them the error went away. I also replaced the air filter for good measure.
We noticed some cold air blowing from the vents again today, but the house didn't get any colder from it. We asked and apparently that is normal. The furnace is designed to continue blowing for a few minutes after the heating stops in order to remove the heat from the unit. Makes sense. I have a heat gun that does the same thing. Now we just have to angle the vents so it doesn't blow the cold air right on top of our heads. I'd also like to say that Jon really seems like a great guy. He's been very polite and professional throughout everything. He was the one that came out after we demanded American Home Shield send someone else out for a second opinion and has been through the install, all the inspections, and now the repairs. He never made us feel like we were inconveniencing him and when he noticed he made a mistake he owned up to it and didn't try to pass it off on someone else. I respect both him and the company and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them.
Everything was great until the next evening when the house started getting colder. I checked the vents and felt cold air. We let them know and they said Jon could come by in the morning. It was still happening the next morning but then suddenly it started blowing warm air again. When Jon arrived and did his inspection he found a hose to be the likely culprit. He said he noticed a small slit in it at the end and from what I understood, when he would touch it then it would no longer create a vacuum. So he got a new hose put in and everything seemed to be working... except that he was seeing an airflow error light show up every once in a while during the tests. We eventually found that to be caused by three of our vents being closed. Once we opened them the error went away. I also replaced the air filter for good measure.
We noticed some cold air blowing from the vents again today, but the house didn't get any colder from it. We asked and apparently that is normal. The furnace is designed to continue blowing for a few minutes after the heating stops in order to remove the heat from the unit. Makes sense. I have a heat gun that does the same thing. Now we just have to angle the vents so it doesn't blow the cold air right on top of our heads. I'd also like to say that Jon really seems like a great guy. He's been very polite and professional throughout everything. He was the one that came out after we demanded American Home Shield send someone else out for a second opinion and has been through the install, all the inspections, and now the repairs. He never made us feel like we were inconveniencing him and when he noticed he made a mistake he owned up to it and didn't try to pass it off on someone else. I respect both him and the company and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Attic Entrance
In order for Cold Snap to get our new heater up through the attic
entrance they had to cut off the half inch of drywall on all sides. This
was the part that held the attic entrance cover so when they were done
they screwed the drywall pieces back in place. But not all of it
survived so there were gaps which didn't create a very good seal.
Putting my hand up there I could feel cold air coming through so I knew I
had to fix it. I got around to doing that the day that we left for
Thanksgiving break while Treese was still at work. I started in the
morning and was able to finish before we had to leave.
I went to Lowes and got two 1"x3" 6' whitewood boards as their actual dimensions (0.5"x2.5") were approximate the same as the drywall. I measured out the sections I needed and used the Black+Decker Matrix Trim Saw Attachment that mom had gotten me for my birthday to do the cutting. That attachment is so convenient for small jobs! Then I got the pieces lined up, drilled some pilot holes, and attached them using leftover deck screws I had bought to fix our garage ceiling. The attic entrance cover sits nice and level with no wobbling and I can no longer feel any cold air escaping so I'm happy with it. Later on down the line I may paint the wood and pick up some kind of drywall tape to hide the seams, but there's no rush on that.
I went to Lowes and got two 1"x3" 6' whitewood boards as their actual dimensions (0.5"x2.5") were approximate the same as the drywall. I measured out the sections I needed and used the Black+Decker Matrix Trim Saw Attachment that mom had gotten me for my birthday to do the cutting. That attachment is so convenient for small jobs! Then I got the pieces lined up, drilled some pilot holes, and attached them using leftover deck screws I had bought to fix our garage ceiling. The attic entrance cover sits nice and level with no wobbling and I can no longer feel any cold air escaping so I'm happy with it. Later on down the line I may paint the wood and pick up some kind of drywall tape to hide the seams, but there's no rush on that.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Thanksgiving Break: Hike and Wall Climb
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We visited my parents for the
holiday which was nice. My sister, Julia, flew in as well from Colorado
and it was great getting to hang out with her. Thanksgiving dinner was a
bit smaller than usual with only my grandmothers and Uncle Billy
coming. It was still nice, though, as that made it more intimate. And
the food was delicious thanks to Treese and Mom.
On the day after Thanksgiving we did a 2.7 mile hike to work off some of that food. Unfortunately Treese had homework to do so she couldn't come. It was cold out but a clear day. The hiking trail was a bit muddy from the previous day's rain but not bad enough to turn around. I thought the cold air really helped as I think if it had been warm out I probably would have been all hot and sweaty by the end.
Then the next day Julia took me to a indoor climbing gym. She was a regular but this was my first time and it sure was a lot of fun. Definitely showed that I need to work on my upper body strength. I made it to the top on my first couple climbs but after that it became much more difficult. By the end I could only make it half way up an easy climb before my arms refused to pull my body up any further. Dad came along to take pictures. Afterwards the three of us went out to lunch. Mom and Treese came to join us after we texted them our plans. We were trying to go to an Indian restaurant but when we got there we found it was permanently closed so we went to the Mexican place next door. It was a good meal and a great holiday break.
On the day after Thanksgiving we did a 2.7 mile hike to work off some of that food. Unfortunately Treese had homework to do so she couldn't come. It was cold out but a clear day. The hiking trail was a bit muddy from the previous day's rain but not bad enough to turn around. I thought the cold air really helped as I think if it had been warm out I probably would have been all hot and sweaty by the end.
Then the next day Julia took me to a indoor climbing gym. She was a regular but this was my first time and it sure was a lot of fun. Definitely showed that I need to work on my upper body strength. I made it to the top on my first couple climbs but after that it became much more difficult. By the end I could only make it half way up an easy climb before my arms refused to pull my body up any further. Dad came along to take pictures. Afterwards the three of us went out to lunch. Mom and Treese came to join us after we texted them our plans. We were trying to go to an Indian restaurant but when we got there we found it was permanently closed so we went to the Mexican place next door. It was a good meal and a great holiday break.
Friday, November 22, 2019
New Shut-Off Valve & TV Wall Mount
A while back I discovered that the hot water shut-off valve under the
kitchen sink wouldn't shut off all the way. It was a multi-turn valve
which just wore out as they tend to do. It is a dual outlet valve which
feeds both the sink and the dishwasher and since the lines coming into
it from both are a not-very-flexible metal that I'm sure would have
broken if I tried to bend them into a different position I needed the
dual-outlets to be positioned at a 90 degree angle to each other just
like the original valve. Additionally, I wanted the replacement to be a
quarter-turn valve so it would last. I couldn't find what I needed at
the local hardware stores but of course Amazon had it.
Not only that, but they had one which can shut off the water to the
dual outputs independently, so I can just shut off the dishwasher or
just the sink if I so desired. I spent a couple hours getting that
installed yesterday. It really shouldn't have taken so long but there is
just so little room to maneuver under there with the garbage disposal
and all the pipes in the way.
The day before that we installed a wall mount for our flat screen TV in the living room. That went surprisingly smooth. We already had the studs marked from when we tried to do it several years ago only to find the wall mount we had bought didn't fit our 24" studs. Stud finders can be such a pain so it was nice not to have to do that again. I didn't install an electrical outlet or low-voltage wire pass-through to hide the wires. That'll have to come later. For right now we just put a plant in front of the wires along with a few action figures.
The day before that we installed a wall mount for our flat screen TV in the living room. That went surprisingly smooth. We already had the studs marked from when we tried to do it several years ago only to find the wall mount we had bought didn't fit our 24" studs. Stud finders can be such a pain so it was nice not to have to do that again. I didn't install an electrical outlet or low-voltage wire pass-through to hide the wires. That'll have to come later. For right now we just put a plant in front of the wires along with a few action figures.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Mr. Fix-it
Last Sunday when I was over at my grandparents' house to wash their
windows my grandma told me that their kitchen faucet was leaking under
the counter whenever they turned on the water. I checked it out
expecting to find a loose connection or a worn washer but found that the
hose in the pull-down faucet had split open. Home Depot didn't have a replacement so I ordered one on Amazon.
The next day my grandpa called saying that his toilet was broken, so I walked over to check it out. Sure enough, both the fill valve and flush valve assemblies were broken. Old plastic that just wore out over time. On top of that, the metal shutoff valve was also broken as it was an old multi-turn valve that wouldn't shut off all the way. I headed to Home Depot and got a quarter turn valve but they didn't have the other parts so I ordered those on Amazon. I installed the shutoff valve that day which didn't take long. I've replaced a couple of these compression fittings at my house so I knew what to do.
The other replacement parts arrived yesterday so I went over and installed them. I had completely replaced both of our toilets not too long ago so I knew how to install these parts. Still, it all went surprisingly smooth. Usually something ends up going wrong. The biggest problem I had was that the chain that attaches from the flush assembly to the flush handle lever was too short. There was an extra link included on the chain to make it longer, the problem was disconnecting the hook from the handle lever. The hook is so small and you have to keep that one part pressed in while trying to maneuver it out of the hole with very little light and very little space to work in. I think it took me like 10 minutes to get that sucker off so I could re-adjust it. At any rate, they were happy to have everything working again and to not have shelled out a fortune for a plumber.
When I came over I had also brought with me a hearing aid that I recently got to give to grandma because even though she knows her hearing has gotten bad she always refused to go to the doctor to get one. This wasn't one of the tiny bluetooth ones my mom has, this was a larger one that fits over the ear which I think would be easier for her to use. She tried it out and said it definitely helped, so we'll see if she'll continue to use it.
The next day my grandpa called saying that his toilet was broken, so I walked over to check it out. Sure enough, both the fill valve and flush valve assemblies were broken. Old plastic that just wore out over time. On top of that, the metal shutoff valve was also broken as it was an old multi-turn valve that wouldn't shut off all the way. I headed to Home Depot and got a quarter turn valve but they didn't have the other parts so I ordered those on Amazon. I installed the shutoff valve that day which didn't take long. I've replaced a couple of these compression fittings at my house so I knew what to do.
The other replacement parts arrived yesterday so I went over and installed them. I had completely replaced both of our toilets not too long ago so I knew how to install these parts. Still, it all went surprisingly smooth. Usually something ends up going wrong. The biggest problem I had was that the chain that attaches from the flush assembly to the flush handle lever was too short. There was an extra link included on the chain to make it longer, the problem was disconnecting the hook from the handle lever. The hook is so small and you have to keep that one part pressed in while trying to maneuver it out of the hole with very little light and very little space to work in. I think it took me like 10 minutes to get that sucker off so I could re-adjust it. At any rate, they were happy to have everything working again and to not have shelled out a fortune for a plumber.
When I came over I had also brought with me a hearing aid that I recently got to give to grandma because even though she knows her hearing has gotten bad she always refused to go to the doctor to get one. This wasn't one of the tiny bluetooth ones my mom has, this was a larger one that fits over the ear which I think would be easier for her to use. She tried it out and said it definitely helped, so we'll see if she'll continue to use it.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Visiting the grandparents
This afternoon walked over my grandparents house for a visit. Grandpa and I watched a movie that was playing on TV called A Face in the Crowd
from 1957 starring Andy Griffith. It was quite good and I was surprised
by how relevant it still is even today. There is a scene near the end
which is very reminiscent of a scene near the end of UHF,
which I'm sure was done on purpose seeing as how UHF parodied a ton of
different movies. While I was there grandpa gave me a wrist watch of his
that he has had for a long, long time, since he was in
the service. It's a wind-up watch with no battery that still works. It
means a lot to him and therefore it means a lot to me, so I need to find
something nice that I can store it in, preferably something that I can
hang on my wall as a display. Do they make picture frames for wrist
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Freddy vs Jason
We went to a Halloween party yesterday dressed as Freddy Kruger and Jason Vorhees. There were a lot of other great costumes there. My favorite was the Black Widow and Fat Thor couples costume. We all hung out in the back yard snacking and talking until the power went out and the wind got furious, forcing us to move inside the house.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
CleanTalk Anti-Spam
I've been using the paid edition of CleanTalk Anti-Spam
on the Absolute Anime Community Forums for three weeks now and am still very impressed. Spam posts have been
completely eliminated and spam registrations have been reduced to almost
nil. There used to be several spam registrations a day which I would
have to spend time cleaning up every couple weeks, but now I've only see
two that have occurred in the past three weeks. Such a time saver! The
three year subscription I got was only $19.44 so totally worth it. I
would recommend it to any forum that is besieged by spam.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Double Feature
Thursday night Treese and I went to see the premiere of Jay and Silent Bob Reboot which was a Fathom Events double feature along with the first movie, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. It was a lot of fun. There was an intro by Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes,
an intermission between the two movies, some interviews and behind the
scenes stuff afterwards, and finally an outtro by Kevin and Jason. We
thoroughly enjoyed both movies and it was helpful to see the original
before seeing the new one. I think I actually liked Reboot
better as it had more emotional stakes than the original. As expected
there were a ton of cameos and it was fun spotting the usual players
found in many Kevin Smith movies. These films definitely aren't for
everyone but they were right up our alley and I'm glad we went.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Ceiling Fan & Roof Work
On Monday I installed a ceiling fan in Treese's home office, one of
two ceiling fans we scored for free over the weekend thanks to
Craigslist. One was white, the other brown, and both were in very good
condition. I installed the white one and disassembled the brown one to
box up for storage. I figure I'll use it to replace the ceiling fan in
the gazebo at some point since the weather has not been kind to that
one. It's the first time I've been in the attic since we had the new air
conditioner and heater installed, and it was quite a mess up there.
They left an empty cardboard box, cut zip ties, old metal bands, a bunch
of tape scraps, PVC pipe scraps, and more. They also broke the light
bulb and the face plate for the light socket/light switch combo. I
understand being exhausted after a hard days work in the attic but they
did come back a second time to finish the job, and a third and forth
time to run tests so seems like they could have cleaned some of it up.
And also let me know that they broke the face plate and light bulb so I
could have replaced them.
Yesterday I had a handi-man neighbor, Dave, come by to help me with my roof valleys and gutters. He brought a friend with him who did the gutters while he did one of the valleys and put some tar-like stuff around the seals of the various pipes that come out of the roof. I watched how Dave did the valleys by using a crowbar to push the tiles along the valley back in place before using his air blower to clean them out. It was similar to how I cleaned the valleys except I didn't know about pushing the tiles back up. That only gets the very center of the valley clean, though, so at some point we'll need to have a professional remove the valley tiles to really clean the metal area below.
I also trimmed the branches of the tree that was spanning over the roof, the one that squirrels like to use to jump on the roof. I was able to get most of them thanks to my long branch saw. Then I worked on fixing the storm door. It was slightly slanted and so would scrape against the the edge when closed. Dave helped me re-align it, using the same screw holes in the metal frame but angling them away to create new screw holes in the wood. It worked great but then I noticed the storm door frame was pulling away from the wall at the bottom because the bottom of the metal frame was being pushed out by that lip of the regular door frame on the ground. I either needed to take the whole storm door off and shift it up a smidgen or cut off the little bit of metal pushing against the lip. I chose the latter as it seemed easier and thankfully it worked. The storm door is now flush against the wall and closing properly.
Yesterday I had a handi-man neighbor, Dave, come by to help me with my roof valleys and gutters. He brought a friend with him who did the gutters while he did one of the valleys and put some tar-like stuff around the seals of the various pipes that come out of the roof. I watched how Dave did the valleys by using a crowbar to push the tiles along the valley back in place before using his air blower to clean them out. It was similar to how I cleaned the valleys except I didn't know about pushing the tiles back up. That only gets the very center of the valley clean, though, so at some point we'll need to have a professional remove the valley tiles to really clean the metal area below.
I also trimmed the branches of the tree that was spanning over the roof, the one that squirrels like to use to jump on the roof. I was able to get most of them thanks to my long branch saw. Then I worked on fixing the storm door. It was slightly slanted and so would scrape against the the edge when closed. Dave helped me re-align it, using the same screw holes in the metal frame but angling them away to create new screw holes in the wood. It worked great but then I noticed the storm door frame was pulling away from the wall at the bottom because the bottom of the metal frame was being pushed out by that lip of the regular door frame on the ground. I either needed to take the whole storm door off and shift it up a smidgen or cut off the little bit of metal pushing against the lip. I chose the latter as it seemed easier and thankfully it worked. The storm door is now flush against the wall and closing properly.

Saturday, August 31, 2019
Blast from the past
I have successfully restored most of the forums, topics, posts, and
user accounts that were lost in the great server crash of 2013. The
restoration was no easy task, and merging into the existing forums was
even more difficult but it seems to be working okay. More details can be
found in the Blast from the past: pre-crash forums restored... mostly thread.
Speaking of the past, my friend Conor sent me a couple pictures he found of me that he had taken back in the mid-to-late 90s sometime. I was so skinny with huge glasses! I completely forgot that I used to have my desk angled like that instead of flat against the wall. I'm not sure of the exact year the pictures were taken, but it had to be at least 1995 because that looks like Windows 95 or 98 I'm using on my computer and I have a Power Rangers Falconzord on top of my monitor which was released in 1995. It was also before 1999 as that's when I moved to Redding. Can you find any more clues in the pictures to narrow down the year?
Speaking of the past, my friend Conor sent me a couple pictures he found of me that he had taken back in the mid-to-late 90s sometime. I was so skinny with huge glasses! I completely forgot that I used to have my desk angled like that instead of flat against the wall. I'm not sure of the exact year the pictures were taken, but it had to be at least 1995 because that looks like Windows 95 or 98 I'm using on my computer and I have a Power Rangers Falconzord on top of my monitor which was released in 1995. It was also before 1999 as that's when I moved to Redding. Can you find any more clues in the pictures to narrow down the year?
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Cats vs Solar Torch
When I went outside this morning I noticed one of the solar torch
lights we have along our walkway was just laying on the ground without
its plastic post. It was right in the spot where we had it posted in the
ground but the post that holds it up was nowhere to be found. I was
confused, thinking who would want to steal a short plastic pole for a
solar torch and not the light itself? So I went back through the
security camera footage and at 12:49am two blurs zipped across the
screen and plowed right through the torch post. When I ran it back at
normal speed I saw it was two cats running full speed, one chasing the
other, with the lead cat crashing through the solar torch so hard that
the post flew into the nearby bush and the torch top fell right in
We were finally able to get American Home Shield to send out a different company for a second opinion on our air conditioner. They sent Cold Snap Air Conditioning, who arrived this morning. He found the same valve leak that JR from Service 1 found but after fixing that he did a test with nitrogen and also found a second leak in the condenser coil which Service 1 didn't even bother to check. He also concurred with our assessment that some of the duct work needed to be replaced. He then smelled a gas leak which he was able to confirm and get fixed. So we were very happy with his service.
We were finally able to get American Home Shield to send out a different company for a second opinion on our air conditioner. They sent Cold Snap Air Conditioning, who arrived this morning. He found the same valve leak that JR from Service 1 found but after fixing that he did a test with nitrogen and also found a second leak in the condenser coil which Service 1 didn't even bother to check. He also concurred with our assessment that some of the duct work needed to be replaced. He then smelled a gas leak which he was able to confirm and get fixed. So we were very happy with his service.
Monday, July 1, 2019
HP Laptop Keyboard Install
I installed the backlit keyboard in my HP laptop this weekend. What a
chore that was! I used my soldering iron to melt all the plastic
rivets, carefully prying up the metal back plate as I went along until I
could lift it enough to have access to the underside of the keyboard. I
then had to melt more rivets so that I could pry up the keyboard. When I
put the new backlit keyboard in I found that there were three notches
which did not line up with the plastic pegs on the laptop. Argh!
The backside of the keyboard is metal so I couldn't just use scissors or a utility knife to cut out notches, and my tin snips don't offer the level of precision I would need, so the only option I could see was to cut off the plastic pegs that didn't align. There wasn't enough room to get even a small utility knife in there so I cut them with nail clippers and then filed them down the rest of the way with a metal nail file. Once I put the new keyboard in place I made some new notches with hot glue. I also used hot glue to recover all the plastic rivet tops I had melted away. I had tried spreading the plastic out with the soldering iron to make new heads but it just wasn't working.
I spent pretty much the entire day on this keyboard replacement and am happy that I got it done and it worked. This keyboard feels much nicer than the original and has a backlight so I can see what I'm doing even in low light. The whole process soured me on HP, though. They could have used screws or plastic clips but no, they designed it this way on purpose. Not cool, HP! I'll definitely think twice about purchasing an HP laptop in the future.
The backside of the keyboard is metal so I couldn't just use scissors or a utility knife to cut out notches, and my tin snips don't offer the level of precision I would need, so the only option I could see was to cut off the plastic pegs that didn't align. There wasn't enough room to get even a small utility knife in there so I cut them with nail clippers and then filed them down the rest of the way with a metal nail file. Once I put the new keyboard in place I made some new notches with hot glue. I also used hot glue to recover all the plastic rivet tops I had melted away. I had tried spreading the plastic out with the soldering iron to make new heads but it just wasn't working.
I spent pretty much the entire day on this keyboard replacement and am happy that I got it done and it worked. This keyboard feels much nicer than the original and has a backlight so I can see what I'm doing even in low light. The whole process soured me on HP, though. They could have used screws or plastic clips but no, they designed it this way on purpose. Not cool, HP! I'll definitely think twice about purchasing an HP laptop in the future.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Laptop Repair Day
Last week I sold my old laptop to someone off of Craigslist,
and only a few hours later he contacted me saying there was a spot on
the back that was getting really hot, like burn-your-skin hot. He was
understandably upset thinking I had pulled one over on him but relaxed
when I offered to meet him the next day. When I did, he showed me a mark
that had formed on the back cover and also where the plastic had melted
a bit up near the top. Very weird. I had never seen anything like it. I
returned his money and he still expressed an interest in buying it if I
could figure out and fix whatever was causing this bizarre issue.
Later that night took the screen off to see what was happening behind it. As it turns out, it was the webcam wire. For some reason it was getting hot enough to melt plastic, and very quickly too. Only moments after turning on the laptop the wire got hot enough to become uncomfortable to the touch. Had I left it on much longer it surely would have melted more of plastic. There must have been some kind of short in there, though very weird that it only manifested the day I sold it.
I ordered a new cable which arrived today. The webcam wire is part of the display cable so I had to replace the whole thing which runs from the base of the laptop through the hinge and up to the screen. That meant I had to pretty much completely dissemble the entire laptop, carefully run the wire through the nooks and crannies, then put it all back together again. It took awhile but I got it done and now it's working good as new.
My next project will be installing a backlit keyboard into my current laptop. I've done keyboard replacements before and they've always been pretty simple, but this one is going to be a huge pain as it turns out the newer HP laptop designs do not actually provide access to the keyboard. If you want to replace one you're supposed to replace the entire palmrest area which is quite expensive. They trap the keyboard between the top of the palmrest and a metal plate underneath with the two parts being molded together with plastic rivets, so to get access those rivets have to be either cut off or melted with a soldering iron. And there are a lot of rivets! I am really not looking forward to this.
Later that night took the screen off to see what was happening behind it. As it turns out, it was the webcam wire. For some reason it was getting hot enough to melt plastic, and very quickly too. Only moments after turning on the laptop the wire got hot enough to become uncomfortable to the touch. Had I left it on much longer it surely would have melted more of plastic. There must have been some kind of short in there, though very weird that it only manifested the day I sold it.
I ordered a new cable which arrived today. The webcam wire is part of the display cable so I had to replace the whole thing which runs from the base of the laptop through the hinge and up to the screen. That meant I had to pretty much completely dissemble the entire laptop, carefully run the wire through the nooks and crannies, then put it all back together again. It took awhile but I got it done and now it's working good as new.
My next project will be installing a backlit keyboard into my current laptop. I've done keyboard replacements before and they've always been pretty simple, but this one is going to be a huge pain as it turns out the newer HP laptop designs do not actually provide access to the keyboard. If you want to replace one you're supposed to replace the entire palmrest area which is quite expensive. They trap the keyboard between the top of the palmrest and a metal plate underneath with the two parts being molded together with plastic rivets, so to get access those rivets have to be either cut off or melted with a soldering iron. And there are a lot of rivets! I am really not looking forward to this.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Jumping lizard tail!
On Monday when I opened the garage door in preparation for heading to my
platelet donation appointment I noticed a lizard sitting near it. This
lizard was smaller than the one we saw in our house last week.
Apparently the noise and motion of the garage door rising scared it so
much that its auto defense mode kicked in and its tail came off! The
tail didn't just lay there or wiggle back and forth, it actually jumped
and hopped and flopped around like it has having a seizure while the
lizard remained relatively still. It was so weird looking! I can easily
see how that would be distracting to a predator.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Southern alligator lizard
We found a little friend hiding out near our shoes yesterday evening,
though perhaps little isn't the best adjective to use as this lizard was
like 7 inches long not including the tail which was also quite long. I
tried to encourage him to head out the front door but that didn't work
and it instead made it's way down the hall where we lost sight of him.
We had to leave so wasn't able to look for it. Then later we found it
once again in our pile of shoes near the front door. I
opened the storm door so it could get out if it desired then just let
it be. Haven't seen it since so maybe it left. I looked it up online and
believe it to be a Southern alligator lizard. Not dangerous but if it
feels threatened it can release its bowels as a defensive technique so
I'm glad I didn't try to grab it.
JR from Service 1 Heating and Air finally texted me back late this morning saying he couldn't get through to American Home Shield yesterday but that he was on hold with them now. I don't know if I believe that or not. I've never had any problem contacting AHS, but even if he did have a problem why didn't he text us yesterday to say so instead of just ghosting us all day? AHS then called to say we needed 8 lbs of Freon at $80/lbs and they would only cover $10/lbs so we would have to pay $560. They also said they wouldn't pay anything towards a new A/C unit if we decided to go that route. So now we're considering our options. We're in the process of getting an appointment to have an energy audit from SHHIP and have an appointment with another company to get an estimate for a new A/C unit.
JR from Service 1 Heating and Air finally texted me back late this morning saying he couldn't get through to American Home Shield yesterday but that he was on hold with them now. I don't know if I believe that or not. I've never had any problem contacting AHS, but even if he did have a problem why didn't he text us yesterday to say so instead of just ghosting us all day? AHS then called to say we needed 8 lbs of Freon at $80/lbs and they would only cover $10/lbs so we would have to pay $560. They also said they wouldn't pay anything towards a new A/C unit if we decided to go that route. So now we're considering our options. We're in the process of getting an appointment to have an energy audit from SHHIP and have an appointment with another company to get an estimate for a new A/C unit.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
100+ degrees with no air conditioning
Our air conditioner hasn't been working at all this season. We had called American Home Shield who had assigned Service 1 Heating and Air.
We actually had an appointment set up with them last month for a free
A/C tuneup but he had called the day of to postpone because it needs to
be a certain minimum temperature outside to do the tuneup properly. He
said they would call back to set up another appointment but never did.
That brings me to why they gave us a certificate for a free tuneup in
the first place, which is because the last time they worked on their
heater back in 2018 they failed to call us when the needed part came in
so we had gone without heat unnecessarily for over a month. We had
called last May to use this A/C tuneup certificate but again they never
called us back. There have been other times that they were supposed to
call us and didn't so this is a common theme with them. I say "them" but
I think we've only ever had J.R. come out and 99% of the time when we
call them we get voicemail so I kind of get the feeling they are a
one-man operation. Looking over the Yelp review shows the same story
over and over, with them either not showing up or not calling back.
Anyway, so we had an appointment set up for yesterday between 4pm and 6pm. JR arrived at 5:50pm, looked over our air conditioner and determined it had no more coolant/refrigerant in it. Apparently the cap on a valve had worked its way loose enough to cause a leak and so now it needs like a full gallon of coolant put back in which is going to cost a lot... he estimated like $500 a lot. And that's after the part that insurance covers. I can't help but think this could have been avoided if he had actually done a tuneup on the A/C last summer. JR was supposed to call our insurance first thing this morning to tell them the repair cost and they were supposed to call to tell us how much we would owe if we went through with it. We received no call from him or them all day. He gave me his cell number yesterday so I could contact him and I tried a few times but he never responded. So once again we have another day of 100+ degree weather without air, and no idea what is going on.
Thankfully, our friend Victor had a spare window A/C unit which he brought over yesterday evening and helped get set up so we were able to sleep in a nice cool room last night. With how hot it is I wish we could have spent all day in the bedroom but there was just too much to do. I'm definitely looking forward to heading back in there tonight for some sweet, sweet relief. How did people live in this weather before air conditioning?!
Anyway, so we had an appointment set up for yesterday between 4pm and 6pm. JR arrived at 5:50pm, looked over our air conditioner and determined it had no more coolant/refrigerant in it. Apparently the cap on a valve had worked its way loose enough to cause a leak and so now it needs like a full gallon of coolant put back in which is going to cost a lot... he estimated like $500 a lot. And that's after the part that insurance covers. I can't help but think this could have been avoided if he had actually done a tuneup on the A/C last summer. JR was supposed to call our insurance first thing this morning to tell them the repair cost and they were supposed to call to tell us how much we would owe if we went through with it. We received no call from him or them all day. He gave me his cell number yesterday so I could contact him and I tried a few times but he never responded. So once again we have another day of 100+ degree weather without air, and no idea what is going on.
Thankfully, our friend Victor had a spare window A/C unit which he brought over yesterday evening and helped get set up so we were able to sleep in a nice cool room last night. With how hot it is I wish we could have spent all day in the bedroom but there was just too much to do. I'm definitely looking forward to heading back in there tonight for some sweet, sweet relief. How did people live in this weather before air conditioning?!
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Garage Sale & Level Ceiling
We had a garage sale this Saturday, thanks to a neighbor, Tammy, who
organized it for our whole block. This was the first time we've ever
done a garage sale, at least as adults, and so we weren't very
organized. It started at 7am so we were up by 6:30am, had a quick
breakfast, then started hauling stuff outside. Treese sat out and took
care of the all the people while I kept bringing stuff out, always
finding more and more stuff stashed away that we no longer wanted. Tammy
came around a few times to see how we were doing and we ended up doing
pretty well. As I suspect is typical of garage sales, there was a bunch
of stuff that didn't sell. Some of it we brought back inside which I'll
try selling online, but we had several boxes of stuff that we just
wanted to get rid of so we took them to the Goodwill Donation Center.
After the garage sale I continued working on the garage ceiling repair. I had finished the East side of the garage on Friday, but using a new technique. Based on advice I received from neighbors on as well a my friend Gary, I attached sections of 2x4 to the two metal posts so that they formed a T shape and would be able to support a larger section of drywall. Like before, I used the car jacks with the posts to raise the drywall, but this time I set up a couple old smartphones in the attic, pointing them so their cameras could see the gap between the drywall and stud. Then I used an app called IP Webcam to remotely view those video feeds on my phone so I could see exactly how high to raise the drywall while operating the jacks. Once it was flush, I skipped the furring strips and instead removed the old nails which had popped through the drywall texture then reused those holes to drive in some screws. I started with 2.5" deck screws since that's what I had on-hand, but once it became clear this was working properly I went and got some star drive 2" multi-material screws.
That technique seemed to have worked well, so I decided to do the same thing on the West side of the garage where I had used furring strips to help raise the drywall. I would jack up the posts to the current height of the ceiling along one of the furring strips, remove the furring strip, continue jacking up the ceiling until it was flush with the stud, then screw that in. Tammy had said earlier she would like to help so she came by when I started working on that. She was a big help as it meant I didn't need to set up the phones in the attic, instead I could just get up there and have her operate the jacks until I told her to stop. What a time saver! For the parts where she had nothing to do we just talked while I worked. She is very friendly and knows a lot of people in our neighborhood.
I didn't quite get the ceiling finished that evening so I went out on Sunday to finish it off. I got all the furring strips removed and the ceiling appears to be level again, though there are a bunch of screws visible and places where small sections of drywall texture fell off so I'll have to fix those next. I figure I can just use the spray texture to cover all the screw holes but not sure what to do about the couple of places where there are tears and gashes in the drywall. I'm also not sure what do to about the seams where there is/was drywall tape as it has peeled away in some areas. If there is some kind of drywall adhesive then perhaps I can use that to reattach some of the pealing tape, but there is other drywall tape which is now pinched between the ceiling and wall seams that I can't pull back out so not sure what to do about that.
After the garage sale I continued working on the garage ceiling repair. I had finished the East side of the garage on Friday, but using a new technique. Based on advice I received from neighbors on as well a my friend Gary, I attached sections of 2x4 to the two metal posts so that they formed a T shape and would be able to support a larger section of drywall. Like before, I used the car jacks with the posts to raise the drywall, but this time I set up a couple old smartphones in the attic, pointing them so their cameras could see the gap between the drywall and stud. Then I used an app called IP Webcam to remotely view those video feeds on my phone so I could see exactly how high to raise the drywall while operating the jacks. Once it was flush, I skipped the furring strips and instead removed the old nails which had popped through the drywall texture then reused those holes to drive in some screws. I started with 2.5" deck screws since that's what I had on-hand, but once it became clear this was working properly I went and got some star drive 2" multi-material screws.
That technique seemed to have worked well, so I decided to do the same thing on the West side of the garage where I had used furring strips to help raise the drywall. I would jack up the posts to the current height of the ceiling along one of the furring strips, remove the furring strip, continue jacking up the ceiling until it was flush with the stud, then screw that in. Tammy had said earlier she would like to help so she came by when I started working on that. She was a big help as it meant I didn't need to set up the phones in the attic, instead I could just get up there and have her operate the jacks until I told her to stop. What a time saver! For the parts where she had nothing to do we just talked while I worked. She is very friendly and knows a lot of people in our neighborhood.
I didn't quite get the ceiling finished that evening so I went out on Sunday to finish it off. I got all the furring strips removed and the ceiling appears to be level again, though there are a bunch of screws visible and places where small sections of drywall texture fell off so I'll have to fix those next. I figure I can just use the spray texture to cover all the screw holes but not sure what to do about the couple of places where there are tears and gashes in the drywall. I'm also not sure what do to about the seams where there is/was drywall tape as it has peeled away in some areas. If there is some kind of drywall adhesive then perhaps I can use that to reattach some of the pealing tape, but there is other drywall tape which is now pinched between the ceiling and wall seams that I can't pull back out so not sure what to do about that.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Happy Vallejo Strawberry Festival
Yesterday I volunteered at the Happy Valley Strawberry Festival to help a friend who was managing the pie eating contests and gunny sack races. It was a relatively nice day for the festival, although quite warm out even in the morning. I'd say it probably got to be somewhere in the 90s by the height of afternoon. The local celebrity pie eating contest was the first event so we got that all set up and ready to go. The celebrities consisted of eight people from local news, radio, and newspapers and that was a blast to watch. It was the first pie eating contest I ever remember seeing in real life. There were two more pie eating contests throughout the day for anyone who wanted to sit down and try, and it was fun to see how messy some people get trying to devour their pies. For the gunny sack races, only kids went, no adults gave it ago. We're going back today so we'll see if any adults step up for the challenge, putting their body on the line in 90 degree weather to win a ribbon
Friday, May 31, 2019
Finally got around to fixing our sagging garage ceiling
I spent pretty much all of yesterday fixing the sagging ceiling drywall in our garage. I needed to get it fixed because the sag was pretty significant, like a couple inches, and it seemed to just be getting worse as time went on so I was afraid it would collapse. There didn't appear to be any water damage on either side, just that all the nails had pulled loose from the joists... ah nails, why does everyone love using nails? They are nothing but trouble! My fix of choice was to screw in some 8 foot long 1x2 furring strips along the studs to pull the drywall back up. This turned out to be more difficult than I thought as even using 4" screws I couldn't get the drywall pushed up high enough for the screws to grip into the wood. Thankfully my friend happened to have a couple of eight foot tall metal posts so he brought those over and I used those with some scrap wood and car jacks to raise the ceiling enough for the screws to grab.
Installing the first furring strip one took the longest to do because I had to figure out what worked and what didn't, but after the first one I got into a rhythm. First, use the two posts to hoist up the drywall under one of the joists. Next, spelunk into the attic over to that joist and use a long and skinny drill bit to drill several holes along each side of the joist so I would know for sure where it was. Then I come back down and mark the holes with bright orange tape so I could see them all while standing on the ladder holding the furring strip against the ceiling, positioning it as best I could, and drilling a single hole into it. That allowed me to screw it into the ceiling where I could rotate it slightly to get it lined up just right, then drill and screw the rest of the holes.
I was about 75% done when I ran out of screws and noticed I needed a couple more furring strips than I initially thought so had to make a trip to Lowe's. While there I saw a different kind of 4" screw which had a star drive head. It was a pack of 50 for a dollar more than the pack of 43 but I remembered reading somewhere that star drive screws never strip, a problem which I had been having on several of my Phillips screws, so I decided to try them out. Oh man what a difference! Every single one went straight in and pulled the drywall up easily without me having to apply a ton of pressure against the drill. I wish I would have known about those when I first started, it would have made this job a lot easier.
So now the furring strips are all attached and the ceiling is level again. I'll have to do the same thing on the other side of the garage as I noticed a little sag on that side but I shouldn't have to use posts to lift that up as the sag is fairly minor. Then I think I'll paint the strips to match the color of the ceiling and will have to repair the drywall spackling from where the drywall nails popped through when the drywall was raised. I'll also have to spray wall texture of those fixes because of course the ceiling had to be textured.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Hail Storm
Yesterday evening strong thunderclaps boomed throughout the sky, some of
the loudest I've ever heard. Not long after we were assaulted by golf
ball sized hail stones which sounded like we were being pummeled by
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Branch Graveyard
For the past several days I've been outside cutting up all the branches
that we had to clear away to do the fence repair. We had dragged all the
branches to the side of the house where the pile got to be about as
tall as I was and twice as long. The branches were all too small to use a
chainsaw so I used my branch lopper. I cut them up small enough to
place in an 18 gallon recycling bin, used my weight to compress them,
then dumped them out on the rocks creating a graveyard of dead branches.
After getting all the ones on the side of the house I went back into
the dog run where there were a ton more waiting for me. I filled both of
our 50 gallon green waste bins then kept cutting until I could make my
back to the new fence sections (previously I had to hop over the metal
dog run fence to access it).
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