Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Trip to L.A. for E3 2014 - Day 3, Wednesday, June 11th

We had to get an early start this morning in order to shuttle Chad to the airport. We left early to make sure we would arrive in time for Chad not to be left behind in L.A., but there was no traffic and we made it there in plenty of time.

Unlike yesterday, today we were able to grab breakfast at the Farmer's Market. I had a delicious strawberry crepe, which I believe was the second crepe I ever had, the first being when I had visited my sister in Colorado. They threw in some free bacon, which was... extra crispy. It was quickly clear why it was free.

When we got to E3 we looked around a bit, but  there wasn't a whole lot of new-looking stuff. The Nintendo and Microsoft booths were not very impressive, but surprisingly Konami had to be the least impressive booth there. The booth was mostly closed off with only one entrance, and they only seemed to be showing a soccer game and a Metal Gear Solid title.

We stopped by the Nintendo area to say hi to a friend of Victor's from Japan, but nobody knew where he was. We waited for a while, but eventually they just said he was unavailable at the moment, so we took off. Since there wasn't much else to look at we just decided to leave early.

We were going to meet Stephanie, an old friend from Working Design days, for lunch but since we were leaving early we called to see if she wanted to go with us to our next stop, Pinball Land. She did, so we all headed there. We had no idea where she was as we were driving there, but it turned out she was right in front of us as we pulled into the parking lot.

There were a ton of machines in there, all of which seemed to be in really good condition. There were many that we used to have at Working Designs. Victor went straight to the new Wizard of Oz game, which was such a beautiful machine. I started out with The Avengers and Star Trek before moving on to a 3-way game of Wizard of Oz with Victor and Stephanie. It was quite a tough game, very easy to lose balls, especially with the Wicked Witch randomly shaking the ball around with a magnet under the board. I also got to play Spider-man and White Water, which were fun.

Following Pinball Land was lunch at the delicious Yoshinoya where we chatted with Stephanie, getting all caught up on what she's been up to and filling her in on what we've been doing. It was really nice to see her again and hear about how her life has been going.

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