Monday, August 1, 2011

Mr. Creepy

When I arrived home from some errands, I noticed a giant brown hairy spider in the corner under the lip of the door that leads into the garage. The last time I saw a spider that big that wasn't behind glass in some exhibit I was still working at Working Designs, and I saw it in that exact same spot! Back then, I couldn't even bear to walk past it and had to use the front door. I've gotten better since then, and although this one still freaked me out, I was able to walk past it. I then went and got the mail... using the front door, of course, and tried to decide what to do about Mr. Creepy. I didn't really want to kill it, but there was no way I could just leave it there, and I really didn't want to get close enough to capture and release, so I broke out the bug poison and sprayed both the front doorway and the doorway to the garage. Mr. Creepy didn't like that much, and came out of his corner. I kept spraying, and eventually it stopped. I wanted to squish it, but didn't want all that bug juice on my shoe, so got an ad paper out of the recycle bin and tried to throw it over the spider, but the paper missed and went in front. Mr. Creepy was surprised and tried to back up but only made it a step before its legs gave out. I went and got another ad paper, a smaller one, and threw it on the spider, this time getting it. Then I stepped on it...eewwww! I'm fine with snakes and rats and many other bugs, so why am I so freaked out by spiders?

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