Sunday, July 17, 2011


I left at around 6:40pm to pick up Treese at the airport. I stopped at the Travel Advantage to fill up on gas so that we wouldn't need to do it on the way back. It took me over two hours to get to the airport, and when I arrived I took a wrong turn and ended up in a parking garage. Once I found my way to the proper terminal I pulled up behind another car and looked out the passenger side window but didn't see Treese, so took out the cell and saw I had a message from her. The car in front of me pulled away as I was trying to figure out how to call Treese, and a police officer strolled by and told me to move along, but as soon as I started moving I saw Treese was sitting right there, so she got in and we headed out. It was kinda hard to see because it was dark and the windshield was covered with bug splats. Treese was hungry, so when she spotted a Denny's I pulled onto the exit and we had dinner. I got a pasta dish. When it was time to pay the bill our server didn't even give us a bill, he just told us how much it was. We added it up in our head and it was about the correct amount, if not a little less, so that's what we paid. Then we continued on home. We talked for a while as she told me all about her trip. She was tired, though, so afterward she put on my audiobook for me to listen to while she slept.

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